Allium in the Language of Flowers

Alliums in the Language of Flowers have several meanings:
you're elegant, unity, patience, humility, prosperity.
The Language of Flowers, or Floriography, is the communication 
through flowers in bouquets. It was popular in the Victorian era
when proper etiquette was very important and some things 
just weren't said so they developed a way of communicating
with flowers and plants.  

Alliums are a flowering onion and can grow up to four feet tall.
They have large snowball shaped flowers on a single stem
and are said to keep bad luck away.

In the garden, they are unique flowers that bloom in late spring.  
As a bonus, pollinators love them and deer do not.  

I've written and illustrated a Language of Flowers handbook
that covers over 200 plants that includes flowers, herbs, and trees.
It is now available on Amazon.


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