Hoye Canyon and Topaz Lake

The sun finally started to shine March 9 so we headed toward 
Wellington took Hoye Canyon Rd. to explore.  I like when people
leave ornaments like this on sagebrush.  I have a few shots like this
in my photo collection.  

We hiked up a mountain and got a good view of the
West fork of the Walker River.   

Had lunch at Topaz Lake and lots of people were out getting some sun
and trying for fish.  

Someone's artwork on the shore and a couple fisherman at peace. 

We drove to the gateway to Hwy. 89 and since it was closed we
took a walk up the road a bit.  In the spirit of Ansel Adams I took a few photos
of the mountains and this was my pick of the lot.  I think it
looks like the profile of a smiling monster coming out of the mountain frozen in the rocks.
I like his teeth.


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